The following Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as "this Policy") defines the handling of user information, including personal information of users, in the services provided by the administrator (hereinafter referred to as "this Service").

  1. User Information Collected and Collection Methods In this Policy, "User Information" refers to information related to the identification of users, behavioral history on communication services, and other information generated or accumulated in connection with users or their devices, which the administrator collects in accordance with this Policy. The User Information collected by the administrator in this Service, depending on the collection method, is as follows:
    1. Information Provided by Users The information that may be provided by users in order to use this Service or through the use of this Service includes the following:
      1. Information related to payment methods, such as credit card information, bank account information, electronic money information, etc.
      2. Information about chats analyzed by this application
    2. Information Collected by the Administrator when Users Use the Service The administrator may collect information related to access status and usage methods of this Service. This includes the following information:
      1. Referrer
      2. IP address
      3. Information on server access logs
      4. Cookies, ADID, IDFA, and other identifiers
  2. Purpose of Use The specific purposes of using User Information related to the provision of this Service are as follows:
    1. To provide, maintain, protect, and improve this Service, including the acceptance of registration for this Service, identity verification, user authentication, recording user settings, and calculating usage fees
    2. To deliver, display, and measure the effectiveness of advertisements
    3. To respond to inquiries related to this Service
    4. To notify users of changes to terms and conditions related to this Service
  3. Provision to Third Parties The administrator will not provide personal information among User Information to third parties (including those outside Japan) without the prior consent of the user. However, this does not apply in the following cases where it is necessary to provide information to third parties (including those outside Japan):
    1. When entrusting the handling of personal information, in whole or in part, within the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use
    2. When personal information is provided due to business succession through mergers or other reasons
    3. When personal information is provided to partners or information collection module providers in accordance with the provisions of Section 4
    4. When it is necessary to cooperate with a national institution, local government, or a person entrusted by them in executing the affairs prescribed by law, and obtaining user consent may interfere with the execution of said affairs
    5. Other cases permitted by the Personal Information Protection Law and other laws and regulations
  4. Procedures for Changing the Privacy Policy The administrator will change this Policy as necessary. However, if changes to this Policy require user consent under the law, the changed Policy will apply only to users who have agreed to the changes in a manner prescribed by the administrator. When changing this Policy, the administrator will notify users of the effective date and content of the changed Policy by displaying it on the administrator’s website or by other appropriate means, or by notifying users.

Enacted on May 10, 2024